L3 Scientific Solutions

Lifelong Learning Lives


The final step in the scientific process involves disseminating our discoveries to the wider scientific community and beyond. Typically, novel findings are communicated through articles published in scientific journals. While the specific format of these articles can vary depending on the journal, there are fundamental guidelines that apply to most, if not all, scientific publications. Publishing your findings is of utmost importance for the progression of your professional career. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in advancing your field and others, aiding peers in interpreting their own findings, and providing a foundation upon which further knowledge can be built.


To provide participants with guidelines to write clear and concise articles, and get them published. Participants that sign up will be provided with a more detailed programme.

Maximum participants

The workshops will have capacity for a maximum of 10 participants. If the number of applicants exceeds 10, another workshop will be scheduled briefly after (date to be agreed with the applicants).

Cost of registration for institutions (Universities or Research Institutes)

The cost is 500€ per person (6 hours) including refreshments during the coffee breaks (2). Prices for institutions, with a varied number of participants, will be negotiated on an individual basis. Registrations open. For more information contact info@cubic-l.science.