- Partner in the project MetaMine: Mining the microbiome
from marine wood-digesting bivalves for novel lignocellulose depolymerizing enzymes.
Project coordinated by Dr Bjørn Altermark at the Norwegian Structural Biology Centre (NorStruct), UiT the Arctic University of Norway,
with six partners from four countries (Norway, Germany, Romania, and Portugal). The project was financed by a grant from ERA-Net in Marine Biotechnology (ERA-MBT). 2018-2021.
- Partner in the project "Japanese Tsunami Marine Debris (JTMD): Documenting the shipworm diversity in wooden debris from the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami (Japan) washed a shore in Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and the Hawaiian Islands". A project carried out by Nancy Treneman M.S., Research Associate at the University of Oregon, and coordinated by
Prof James Carlton, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, United States. 2014-2021.